
Following the March 29 municipal elections, Turkey is entering a new era as the electorate has finally understood what is going on in the country and has voted accordingly. This means the voters have given the government party a warning and switched on the green light for the opposition. Actually the prime minister is the one who turned the municipal elections into a general election and a confidence vote for his party. It is not clear whether he got a vote of confidence or not, but saying he "learned his lessons" is important. Now we will see if he learned his lessons or not.

Another important point is the reason the AKP lost so many votes. Did it lose because of the economic crisis or because of the fatigue created by staying in government for almost seven years? We have to analyze these points very carefully. World economies have started to be hit by the financial crisis. It is unrealistic to say that Turks will ignore this situation. But the reality in Turkey is that its economy has not been hit because of the shockwaves coming from abroad. The damage has been done because Turkey was unable to solve its economical infrastructure problems.

As for years the world lived in an economic abundance, Turkey ignored its economic problems. In this euphoria created by this abundance of credit for seven years, Turkey didn’t take all the necessary measures. Recently Parliament adopted certain bills, but they lacked the necessary substance for solving the country’s economic problems. During the election campaigns, these measures were revealed in political rallies. This is a new trend for Turkey Ğ announcing all economic packages during election campaign rallies and pretending that something concrete has been done.

The world is in a very difficult situation these recent months. The United States and the EU are going through hard times. Consultations are being made; important meetings are being held. Today the G20 is getting together in London. Prior to this meeting, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made important consultations to stop the financial crash and to reshape the world economy. But it is clear that there are differences of opinion between the United States and the EU regarding their approach to economic issues. Other countries seem indecisive. These meetings will also design the future of international institutions. Maybe the London meeting will end without any concrete decisions but it is important that such meetings continue.

We on our part are in Brussels to attend the biannual EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Commission meeting. This one is the 61st meeting held between Turkish and EU MPs. In these meetings, generally the same issues are discussed and generally the Europeans tell us to do our homework. We generally reply that we do our homework. It is a mutual game of lip servicing. Europe always pretends to take us in, and we pretend to enter. Then the meeting ends. During these meetings, much brilliant rhetoric is made. But the result is clear.

We realize that the world and Turkey are about to transform with this global crisis. We know that a new economic and political order will shape up and new institutions will be formed. Meanwhile both the United States and the EU are aware that if they don’t introduce serious economic measures they will not be able to survive. We have the same problems. Turkey will not have a comfortable three-year period ahead. Whether the necessary measures are taken or not, economic problems and the rate of unemployment will affect all of us.

Since the municipal elections are over, without dragging Turkey to the brink of bankruptcy, we have to make the necessary infrastructure reforms and solve our economic problems. First the government has to take the responsibility but Parliament and other institutions in Turkey have to share the responsibility.

Under the circumstances, Turkey and the EU have to take concrete steps. What are they going to talk about three years later? It is clear that the era for pretension and paying lip service is over. We are on the verge of making vital decisions. Maybe a new Europe, a new world and a new Turkey will be created. Aren’t we late in taking the necessary measures?
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