Law and order

Turkey has reached a point that even during the bayram prayers people are killing each other. When the murderer realizes that he is watched by the grand son of the victim he kills him as well. During the bayram holiday in Istanbul each day murders have been committed. We don’t know how many were killed. Five, 10 people? Certain killings are not even in the media. Afterward, newspapers are giving the accounts of the murders in several of their pages.

In our neighbor Greece a young boy was killed by police and the country has become a battle field. The nation has risen against the government. But in Turkey we witness several murders in the hands of the police and we don’t care. We even turned around the European Union legislation. We behave as if committing murder is not against EU legislation.

In the evening in Nişantaş and Teşvikiye people open fire from passing cars. Pedestrians are killed or wounded. The same thing happens in Ataşehir. From convoys of cars fires are opened during farewell ceremonies for youngsters who are enrolled for their army duties. Again murders. To celebrate weddings we open fire into the air. It is unthinkable that the ones who abhor terror are creating terror themselves.

Laws are not meeting the requirements of the day. The judiciary is complaining of the system. On the other hand, people are buying more arms. The number of licensed and unlicensed guns are increasing each day. Almost in every family and every home there is at least one gun. They are not bought to be ornaments in the house, they are fired. And you know what happens next.

The rate of jobless in the country is rising; the economy doesn’t give good signals. The year 2009 will be a difficult and painful year for all of us.

Maybe it’s not right to explain everything with economy, but there are also realities. Whenever economic difficulties increase people think there are few thing left to lose. There is no sense of justice left any more. Everybody starts to establish his justice and law.

That’s why all administrations and especially the government has to work very hard to overcome these problems. Let’s look at the past. Whenever a government and government officials were not involved in corruption there was peace and order in the country. But if governments start to get involved in corruption then neither peace nor law and order is left.

We see people whom we don’t know what their profession is, but from their attire they look very affluent. Not only they, but also their sons are wearing expensive signature watches, own yachts and luxury villas. We are not surprised because our community seems to be supporting this behaviour. I wish we could get over the mentality that makes us say, "Let him take what he wants, but at least let’s share it together." I wish we could learn that in fact all that money is taken away from our pockets and will not be returned to us.

Actually what we have to do is not so difficult. In Turkey today it is not enough to have laws to combat corruption. We also need non-corrupt officials who will be able to apply these laws. On the other hand the media also is going to do its job.

It should not support when things are good and withdraw its support when things go down. You have to abandon having double standards. If ever we try to pass a bill from Parliament banning all guns do you think we can pass it or if we pass it do you think we will be able to confiscate all those guns?

We always admire the United States and the EU, but we forget that how stringent and strong their laws are and how adamant they are in applying them.

This bayram holiday we lived through so many unsettling events that we forgot our battle with terrorism and the traffic terror. Again hundreds of people died, wounded. So many families suffered. From time to time I cannot believe that human life can be so cheap.

Everybody living in Turkey has to realize the fact that it is in our hands to turn this country into a liveable or non-liveable place. The only solution is to believe in law and order and turn Turkey into a country which respects law and order.

Hoping not to have to write a similar article the next bayram holiday I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Kurban Bayram and New Year.
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