Is Turkey heading toward an ’amnesty’ for PKK members?

President of the United States Barack Obama mentioned "model partnership" during his address in the Turkish Parliament recently. This meant finding solutions to common problems Turkey and the United States share and concentrating on them together.

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But does this "model partnership" include possible solutions to the Kurdish issue and disarmament of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK? Has the Obama administration taken any solid steps in this direction? Was this on the agenda during the talks held between Turkish and Iraqi government officials? If it was, what is the plan? Are we taking a last turn in solution to the Kurdish issue?

In the light of all these questions, Ankara has now turned its eye to the Kurdish conference to be held in May in northern Iraq, upon the initiatives of Jalal Talabani and Massoud Barzani. Will the "model partnership" play a role of facilitation in the process? First impression is that serious initiatives and talks behind closed doors continue about this conference. Possible PKK cease-fire by June, the DTP call for benefiting from this process and the Iraqi government’s attitude signal the existence of strong offstage talks. Clearly, Kurds have high expectations. Can the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government give a nod of approval to the requests listed above and a "general or partial amnesty"? It doesn’t seem easy. But a permanent solution requires political determination and a strong will to pay the price for the outcome. Perhaps the secret lies in what Obama said to Türk: "It is crucial for the DTP and Kurds being in politics. The issue cannot be resolved by violence and arms." What do you say? Is Turkey heading to "amnesty"?


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Footballing take on election results

The AKP lost nine points in the March 29 local elections and dropped below 40 percent. But in the July 22, 2007, general elections, by gaining 47 percent of total votes the ruling party managed to steal the votes of almost one of two people. The present picture has seriously motivated the party. The AKP Parliamentary Group Acting Chair Nihat Ergün says that they analyzed election results in all provinces and explains the situation in football terms: "Did the coach give wrong tactics? Did we scored against from an offside position? Did we choose the wrong starting 11? Did the players or referee make the mistake? We are looking into allÉ" It seems that the AKP would hold players responsible because the club president, so to speak, Erdoğan announced: "The Cabinet Council and our look will change." We’ll see which minister will be shown a red card and which will have yellow ones.


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Pickles to aid unemployed

As we were chatting with Deputy Prime Minister Hayati Yazıcı, we talked about unemployment figures. Yazıcı suggested solidarity and solution to the issue with a "pickle formula." I didn’t get it and asked him to explain.

He said, "Most of us have some relatives living in rural areas. So we are bringing our main food items from villages, such as beans, garbanzo beans and bulgur.

My relatives keep sending jars of pickles to me. We’ll overcome unemployment through strong family bonds and solidarity"

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