Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

Cindoruk won, but Bayar grew

The Democratic Party, or DP, congress gave the impression of complete chaos. None of the accounts matched and it exhibited very clearly the great fight on the center-right. I’ll say upfront: the leadership fight in the DP has just started.

Nobody expected such a result.

I did not give Hüsamettin Cindoruk much credit.

The public had the impression that former politicians do not want to be back on stage. despite his talent Cindoruk was out of the scene for a long time and led me to believe that he’d have a disadvantage in that he lost contact with the DP. But he was supported by Demirel. It was questionable how effective this support would be.

Younger people favored M. Ali Bayar.

Bayar is a person who needs to take his place among the future leaders. His world view, culture and talent are suitable for a politician’s personality. He might have had a unfortunate start. He is young and has his life before him.

Süleyman Uslu is not known very well by the public and thus there is not much information about him. But leaving the party and then returning did not go very well for him. Nobody cared about the fact that he was supported by Tansu Çiller and Fetullah Gülen. Everybody has the right to support someone. Besides, it was important for him to receive their support.

It was generally estimated that the DP congress will elect neither Cindoruk nor Bayar. Süleyman Soylu was the one to win.

The reason was that the congress delegation was elected by Soylu.

It didn’t turn out as expected. It was understood that the DP delegation did not obey the leader who elected them.

After the DP congress, talking to those who closely monitor internal intrigues and back stage developments it was understood that there was chaos. The DP congress turned into a race of electing a leader for the future centre-right. The AKP bleeding was a plus. Center of forces that wanted to fill in the blank in the centre-right and take under control the party simply invaded the congress. Süleyman Demirel forgetting all his principles went on air and supported Cindoruk. Meetings were held on Güniz Street up until the last minute. Despite that Cindoruk did not gain expected votes. And this upset the Demirel camp.

The Mehmet Haberal team exercised pressure. They were successful behind the curtains. They spent effort on impressing delegates who sympathized with them.

Tansu Çiller and Mesut Yılmaz also spent effort in rallies.

They themselves were not there but their friends were. They spent much effort to have their friends participate in the party administration.

Eyes were looking to see Rıfat Hisarcıklıoğlu, who a long time ago said he’d enter politics. With this attitude he showed that he retreated from the race.

In the end with much effort Cindoruk emerged from the chaos but as he puts it himself he is just a custodian who will gather ANAP and DYP sympathizers and leave the flag to a younger leader if there are still any left.

After looking at the scene in the congress everybody accepts that M. Ali Bayar is the person attracting much attention. Maybe he didn’t win today but he quickly proved that he is the only nominee to hold DP’s strings in his hands. This performance in congress was very much impressive.

From now on all eyes will be turned to the DP. For, this party is still in a leader search. If, Cindoruk as he puts forth, gathers central right and leaves his place to a younger nominee, he will contribute much to Turkish democracy.

Türkan Saylan was always young

Professoe Türkan Saylan died happy. Her eyes were shining bright till the last minute.

She was revived by the Ergenekon raid.

But what a pity it is that part of the Turkish public got to know Saylan through these developments. Whereas she sacrificed herself to this society and carried campaigns regarding the struggle against lepracy in the present. We embrace people who are so modest at heart and work hard for human health and well-being,.

We should applaud her not for being a monument representing secularism or for opposing the AKP but for sacrificing herself to humanity. For, let’s not forget, politics is temporary. People are the ones to stay.

God rest her soul.
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